And the prompts keep coming ~ day 3 and I’m already sort of falling behind ~ I noticed that Day 4 of the Reverb10 project is sitting in my Inbox! It has been a very busy day of cooking for a 3 day workshop. At 3:14 AM EST, with fruit still to cut, I come to write my response ~
The question : Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards)
Having had all day to sit with the question, I thought of many moments ~ to realize that they were more about my gratitude. To feel alive I believe we must be able to have gratitude ~ yet having gratitude doesn’t necessarily mean we are truly Alive.
I am blessed that my work day, presents me with multiple moments of noticing how I may be of service. Moments that show me how magic the Universe can be. When it comes right down to it ~ It I S!
Having spent most of my year in a struggle to break free of old patterns, old ways of reacting, most of my experiences through this year have been inward and solitary. Reflective~
On one of those days I choose to be on the beach, I’d trekked over on my bike, knowing I would get a ride home from my friend, Maury. While waiting on the beach, laying in the warmth of the sun; I found myself alone – listening and noticing the world around me with my eyes closed. It seems as I feel back into that moment that a storm must have been in the making. it was late in August, maybe even early September. Willard Beach was sort of quiet; I come from a large family so I am often able to shut out voices when I am out in the world of nature. I remember sinking into the sand, feeling the grit of it – what paper would it be? An overall sensation of sand, and also each grain. The warmth of it against my skin, at some moments almost too hot to the touch. I could feel the shift of the afternoon Sun as it moved across the sky from high noon to ‘fourish’. It’s late afternoon radiance moving from overhead to it’s place on my right. I could feel the sound of the lapping water on the boats moored to my left. Feeling the sound, I drifted into meditation and the clear knowing and feeling I was one with the Earth. I wanted my breathe to match Gaia’s; in the way we do when laying with a lover. Moving into the water, I too became, something for the tide to lap and rock; knowing that my friend was coming became my anchor to the human world. I felt my connectedness to ALL, I could taste Divine-ness in my breath, on my lips. Each grain of sand, the vibration of the fish, rocking with the boats. The wind whispering in my ear, secrets of waters far from where I was.
When I invite myself to find that still-ness, I feel so much more alive. Now in the early morning, I look for that stillness to finish, the task before me~ to RE-member that I am part of a greater picture. To RE-member, that as each of us passes our unique signature is lost, and yet remains in all that we have touched.
Alive, Life Divinity in Action!
photo of the Quintessential Maine chair
I can imagine being at Willard Beach, in the quieter months of autumn, and indeed what a good place to feel alive.
ReplyDeleteand right now as well. I do love a winter beach! It is very much alive in a different way then it is in summer.