Today's question from the prompts of the Reflection on This Year from Reverb 10 is:
What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing - can you eliminate it? (Author of prompt Leo Babauta)
Oh, the short and snappy answer to the question was ~ well, of course! Yet, is it so easy? Well, miss smarty pants if you feel like it is so easy~ then why is it here in the first place? It's not so much a doing, as it is a way of thinking about myself and what I have to say. Though as I say that I realize it is indeed a "thing" that I am doing ~ It has to do with not feeling or believing anyone will read or listen to what I have to share. Thoughts and Wisdom. Poems of Great Love, small Sorrows, or the Ordinary turned Extraordinary. The Ebb and Flow of Prayer. All of these a part of my day. Who wants to hear what I have to say? Yet, on a good day ~ I write on one of my three blogs - yes, that's right not one but three and a drop in on a fourth. Lo and Behold, I do have 'followers' and they are not all people I personally know! How wonderful is that?
So, today and for the next 28 days ~ I will knock at the door to my inspiration ~ knowing, believing and changing a pattern inside myself! I invite you to join me on this journey. I hear you knocking to read, listen and share with me! I hear your knocking and I find myself willing to Open my heart and soul ~ oh, right and the door to let you IN ~ Welcome!
Photo is from the door of Cornerbrook a most Magical place
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