I wish to Thank you all for your love, your kindnesses, for the very fact that you ARE!
I pray each day for Peace to cover us all in her arms flung wide.
I pray that nobody need go hungry, tho I am not so blind as to know this is not so. I pray some day that it will be past.
I pray that we can take in those events in our lives that have formed us and be Thank full for the gifts of learning.
I am blessed in my friends, my loves, my clients. I am ever Thank full for waking each day!
I wish for you all that may be in your Highest good.
Great Mother -Great Creator, I ask that you watch over your children and guide us toward our clear path. Thank you for your love.
May we find things to be Thank full for each day of our lives, large and small. Sweet and simple as a child's smile.
I wish you a very Blessed Day!
Many Blessings,
Silence of the heart is necessary so you can hear God everywhere -- in the
closing of the door, in the person who needs you, in the birds that sing, in
the flowers, in the animals.
-- Mother Teresa
this piece was written in 2004 - no less the truth of it!
Photo taken in Lori and Bob's yard.
I am thank FULL for the sun that shone on my face as I waited for my lunch, I am thank FULL for the moments my daughter shares with me, I am thank FULL for a husband who parents (both our human and our furry children) side by side, hand in hand with me. I am THANK FULL for a mom who opens her heart to the world, and wraps us all in the love.