Friday, April 10, 2009

We cry out for Vision, the thirst of Dreams, for Love~ it is important to remember that these things come to us in stillness. In the spaces between the rhythm of our daily doings. Invite yourself to those moments when the ordinary and ‘mundane’ can and do become the extraordinary.

It is here in the spaces that we find the Mysteries. Spring ripe and full of it’s own Becoming. Mother Earth, not sure if she is ready to wake; rolls over and says, just a bit longer. “Children please!” When she throws off the blanket of Winter, the showers come. April showers -bring May flowers.

Wait, it is coming soon – we will find Mother Earth dressed in all the finery that is hers. Colours we have forgotten, sweet surprises planted. Wait my friends, it comes soon.

Robin red-breast has been spotted. I have watched the birds courting, I have felt it in my bones. You can smell the freshness, of new possibility. What dreams will she share with us? What mystery is there unfolding that you have yet to notice?

What dreams do we have to share with her? What did you hope for during the long winter months. What spaces did you leave, for something new to come forth? Tell me your wishes, your desires and I will tell you mine.

Spring a time when the ‘ordinary’ indeed becomes the Extraordinary!

Happy Easter! Blessed Passover! Oster is here!

photo of Indigo Bunting by Susanna Liller.

Thank you for sharing this Extraodinary moment.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Touch…we long for touch. We are the very product of touch. I wish to be able to state that for the most part we become due to the fact that two people choose to lay together touching; there is the thought of the ultimate touch of love and we become. Though in truth that is not always the way of it.

Yet, we do come into being because of touch. We spend the rest of our lives in some form looking for, longing for the touch that was our becoming. Yet, we find ourselves more and more moving away from forms of touch. Human touch. We touch our computer screens to send letters, write articles, text message instead of showing up to sit with a friend. Our contact with each other moving to smaller and smaller amounts, in terms of human touch.

How many of us remember the advertisement – “Reach out an touch someone.”? It was a phone commercial, yet it became a line we used regularly. Or how about ET’s glowing finger as he touched the little boy saying –“ ET phone home?” Yet as he said it he usually touched the finger of a human. ET himself needed physical contact be it human or that of his race; as his heart light showed. We too need contact- physical contact. Why is that we have moved so far away from the very thing we crave?

I wonder what we have all become so afraid of; that we move away from each other. In all most all things. When was the last time you sat down and wrote out a card in ‘long hand’ to a friend, for the sheer joy of sending them a note? No real reason, other then to say HI. Or instead of talking to them on the phone perhaps a walk or cup of coffee for that a talk and hands across the table. Touching a friend with your eyes.

Have we allowed our lives to become so busy? And what is it that we have become busy doing? My Space, Facebook, Twitter? We are putting out in the world fairly ‘personal’ information or are we? Is it easier without making eye contact? I wish to ponder this for myself as well.

For today, I wish and invite each of us to really ‘Reach out and touch someone’. Make contact with the person you get your coffee from today. Or some random person gift them with a Smile; contact. See how far it takes you to feeling more alive, more in touch with your humanness.
Blessings, may the air around you leave it’s soft touch on your face this day.
